I have two children aged three and five. After the birth of the first one, i got a haematoma in the epsiotomy that was undertaken, for which I had to be operated on to allow the drainageand two months of healing to form sear tissue. I undergo an annual gynaecological check-up and in the last check-up, after some six months performing hypopressives, my gynaecologist asked me if I do pelvic floor exercises and he congratulated me on the good condition of the perineal area, and, as you can imagine after two births, not to the mention the haematoma in the first, i had suffered greatly.
«It is obvious that you look after yourself», he told me.
I am overjoyed about having started to do hyopressives they have improved my pelvic floor, I have reduced, my waistline, my tummy is firmer (I had a flabby appearance between the two births and the help to right my posture. I urge you to do them.
Jennifer Lorraine